Goalkeeper Training




The application contains 53 free exercises which are completely described and illustrated by computer pictures. Most of them are completed by a video. In the chapter “Crosses” (16 – 19 and adults ➔ Technical and tactical preparation ➔ Crosses), you can find a complete training session with all parameters. You can buy the other exercises in a pack of 10. New training sessions with different topics will regularly be proposed to the coaches.• Free exercises: 53• Free videos: 51• Free diagrams: 55• Free explanations: 4• Free training sessions: 2• Paying exercises: 333• Videos which complete the paying exercises: 315• Paying diagrams: 373• Paying explanations: 5• Paying training sessions: 15You need an internet connection to download and watch the free videos. After have bought a first pack, you can download and store all the free videos on your smartphone or tablet.Alexander VENCEL• UEFA Pro license coach• 20 years professional goalkeeper (587 games)• Coach: Le Havre Atletic Club, Racing Club Strasbourg• FIFA consultant and instructor for goalkeeping